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Support Your Local New Mexico Artists



Lilybead is an organization which makes cleverly designed beaded jewelry on the shores of the most beautiful lake in the world.

Elizabeth Irvine

Elizabeth Irvine

Sandalwood Mala's, Made by artist Elizabeth Irvine.

Sweet Medicine

Sweet Medicine

Sweet Medicine of Santa Fe was founded in 1991 by Donna Karol in Santa Fe, NM. 

Hanselmann Pottery

Hanselmann Pottery

Hanselmann Pottery was founded in 1970 in the village of Corrales, New Mexico.

Kimberly Webber Cards

Kimberly Webber Cards

"My works can be described as contemporary symbolist paintings; modern magical realism rooted in antiquity. Archetypal figures appear through organic abstraction patterns. The physical act of painting begins with the clean white page or pristine canvas, perfection, unlimited pure divine potential … but the perfect white surface calls the black charcoal or ink markings to itself in order to experience contrast, polarity and tension, in order for there to be something to look at. Chiaroscuro is the language of visual art, form emerging from nothing, black and white gradations creating the bone, flesh and spirit of...

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